This course is scheduled to be designed in the summer and taught and evaluated in Fall 2006.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"Alternative" Unit Plans

One of the main problems which I have had is with the UDL principle which recommends that students be given alternative ways to fulfill requirements but that still demonstrate that they have met the objectives of the course/assignment.

I found a course designed by Dr. Engelhardt's out of Texas A & M Univ. Corpus Christi. The college has a FYWP which is designed around learning communities. The Engelhardt course is designed around civic duties and responsibilities. What I have done is adapted it to the topic which we are concentrating which is Learning and College.

I think that as I have designed the course, my concept of the topic and where it is going has really gotten focused.

What I like about the course and the program is that the students produce a multi-media presentation as one of their portfolios. I thought that was neat idea but wondered if is was still within the scope of the course objectives and requirements. This late in the semester, I cannot change the requirements.

So I looked at the design carefully, I think that it will fit with what I have set up as the objectives and the requirements. The students will be required to produce two or three (not sure yet) pieces which come from the pieces which they have written throughout the term. They will need to focus on a topic, an audience, a purpose, etc. The pieces which they work on will have to be different but meeting the same specifications of topic, audience, purpose. I think this will allow the students to think critically about what they have written, to connect the different ideas which they have been writing about.

The requirement for the Unit is an essay. So their essay will be a reflective piece in which they explain what their rationale is for those pieces and why they think they would be effective. The reflective piece will be graded as a major component of the portfolio 4.

In Unit 2, I am using a powerpoint presentation which presents an argument about the causes for lack of achievement of some populations. The ppt fits in with the topic of college success: causes and effects. I also wanted to show them that argumenative pieces are not necessarily written in essay form and that the research they turn to does not necessarily have to be written in essay format. I will also incorporate some multi-media type of text for the next unit.

I have never tried something like this in a Comp I course so I'm excited to try it and see how students respond to it.

I tried something similar in a Tech Writing class in the spring and was extremely satisfied with what the students produced.

This unit will also allow me to use that UDL principle which I have been having problems incorporating into the activities required for class.


Blogger Rich said...

This fits in well with andragogy, of course: providing content but also providing the reason and context for the contact. I've really found those textbook tip videos that cover college development useful. Longman.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

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Janie Santoy is using a different version of AT&T Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Certain features may be unavailable.

Janie Santoy: Hi!
Rich Rice: good morning!
Janie Santoy: Are you having a good day!
Rich Rice: pretty well; slept in
Rich Rice: you?
Janie Santoy: that must be nice
Janie Santoy: I will be able to do that come October 20
Janie Santoy: looking forward to that...
Janie Santoy: I have a meeting at 11:30 can we start a little early
Rich Rice: sounds good
Rich Rice: udl?
Janie Santoy: yes, I wanted to talk specifically about scaffolding and writing instruction
Rich Rice: k
Janie Santoy: I understand the idea of scaffolding but seems like it goes against some theories of writing instruction
Rich Rice: really? how so?
Janie Santoy: how does one design the scaffolds and at the same time leave room for flexibility?
Janie Santoy: for the student to "discover" what he is writing about
Janie Santoy: seems like scaffolding can become rigid
Rich Rice: scaffolding, basically, is providing information and then slowing removing it... maximizing the zone of proximal development
Rich Rice: so, with essay-1, you might say focus on x grammar concept; with essay-2, those concepts are now givens
Janie Santoy: but for writing the information provided can be a guided process practice...
Janie Santoy: I am more concerned about the broader concepts of writing
Rich Rice: listening
Janie Santoy: my students now...
Janie Santoy: need some grammar instruction
Rich Rice: as do all of our students
Janie Santoy: but they really need development, focus, unity, etc.
Rich Rice: nods
Janie Santoy: and scaffolding for that seems to make the process more rigid
Janie Santoy: the easiest for me is to give them "steps"; do 1, 2, 3
Rich Rice: yes, they like those
Rich Rice: maybe start off by getting them to create the steps?
Janie Santoy: but it makes it more difficult for them to get ownership of their own process
Rich Rice: tease them out of them?
Rich Rice: what's important in an essay?
Rich Rice: that sort of thing
Rich Rice: are you use wyrick?
Janie Santoy: no
Rich Rice: Wyrick has a book called "Steps to Writing Well"
Rich Rice: takes that approach
Janie Santoy: right we use that on campus
Janie Santoy: but didn't want to use it for online class; so not using it with high school students either
Rich Rice: nods
Rich Rice: nods. I also think that your work with UDL is providing scaffolding. Providing content and the reason and context for the content...but then later expecting them to see their own connections in different ways.
Rich Rice: how about this...
Rich Rice: your unit 2 is about college success, yes?
Rich Rice: cause and effect?
Janie Santoy: I guess I'm having problems with the more specific elements of scaffolding in the daily lessons
Rich Rice: how about you focusing on the cause, and asking them what their views on the effects are?
Janie Santoy: yes
Janie Santoy: hmm....
Rich Rice:
Janie Santoy: we are concentrating on effect and looking at causes
Rich Rice: every unit should build on the previous one, which is scaffolding
Rich Rice: so, the as we learned in unit 2, unit 3....
Janie Santoy: right unit 3 will be discussing solutions
Janie Santoy: and I am expecting that they will see a connection between their learning styles and the causes for college success
Janie Santoy: I guess the overall connections I can see much more clearly
Rich Rice: nods, hopefully
Rich Rice: Finally, Applebee discussed several aspects of instructional scaffolding that "suggest some of the features that a more comprehensive reconceptualization of teaching will require": (a) allowing students to take a more active role; (b) building on students' knowledge while introducing challenging new material; (c) following a natural sequence of thought that helps students learn useful approaches to the task; (d) collaborating with students to help them solve problems; and (e) encouraging students to take increasing responsibility for their own learning (adapted from Applebee, 1986, p. 110).
Rich Rice: choosing their own topics...
Janie Santoy: I am seeing through they are using the material I provide as a crutch
Janie Santoy: want to follow it to the letter
Rich Rice: promote facilitating instead of editing only...
Janie Santoy: I guess htat is what is taken away later/in the next unity
Rich Rice: nods
Janie Santoy: hmm...
Janie Santoy: have to think about that more for the next unit
Rich Rice: this is good:
Rich Rice: asking students, too, what they want out of assignments...
Rich Rice: and then moving in that direction, is a form of scaffolding
Rich Rice: I'd say
Janie Santoy: I had them write a research proposal, they did that sort of...
Janie Santoy: wanted them to focus on purpose
Janie Santoy: now they have to reconsider that purpose as they begin to draft
Rich Rice: nice
Rich Rice: yes, good strategy
Rich Rice: are they getting used to the technology now?
Janie Santoy: yes, too well maybe
Janie Santoy: caught 2 of them cheating
Janie Santoy: downloaded another students assignment and turned it in themselves
Janie Santoy: they admitted to doing it
Janie Santoy: one of them turned out to be the victim; the original writer
Janie Santoy: good for me that they confessed
Rich Rice: unusual
Rich Rice: for confession
Janie Santoy: because the victimized student was pretty upset that he had not received credit
Rich Rice: ah
Rich Rice: so, they confessed after you caught them
Janie Santoy: but I had no way of knowing who the original writer was or if all 3 colluded
Janie Santoy: yes after
Rich Rice: right
Janie Santoy: they all got zeros
Rich Rice: yes, no way to tell, oftentimes
Rich Rice: well, unfortunate
Rich Rice: but, part of the job
Rich Rice: cheating is more problematic online, of course
Rich Rice: than f2f
Janie Santoy: yes, cheaters are football palyers
Rich Rice: ah; I've been there before
Janie Santoy: they are worried now because they want to play ball
Rich Rice: we had a scandal 3 years ago
Rich Rice: football team had collected a bunch of papers and were circulating
Rich Rice: well, academics is more important
Rich Rice: I've actually been asked this week to start tutoring athletes
Rich Rice: considering it
Janie Santoy: but they working hard now so they can be eligible
Rich Rice: nods
Janie Santoy: you tutoring or you organize tutoring?
Rich Rice: tutoring; well, I was asked to find grad students, but sort of asked to tutor too
Rich Rice: ever see stand and deliver?
Rich Rice: that's me
Janie Santoy: LOL
Rich Rice: either tutor or do nothing in the evenings
Rich Rice:
Janie Santoy: I'm sure you have stuff to do...
Janie Santoy: what about your garden and trees and...
Janie Santoy: wasn't there something else?
Rich Rice: rained here; I've been mowing some
Rich Rice: always something with a big place, of course
Janie Santoy: I thought maybe were working on your book late in the evenings...
Rich Rice: indeed, I have been. Marc and I had a come to Jesus with the editor
Rich Rice: to move things along
Rich Rice: sure, I have things to do.
Janie Santoy: I really wish I had time to go back and analyze the units which I have already designed t see how I can improve them
Janie Santoy: but things moving too fast
Rich Rice: it sounds like it
Rich Rice: very busy
Janie Santoy: maybe once the class is over
Rich Rice: maybe before teh next time you teach it you'll be able to
Rich Rice: right
Janie Santoy: will have time to the analysis
Janie Santoy: to do...
Janie Santoy: I will read over these two sites
Janie Santoy: any other good sources which discuss scaffolding in composition?
Rich Rice: do you have the book keywords in composition?
Rich Rice: there's a good piece on scaffolding there
Janie Santoy: No, I don't have anything but what i have purchased for classes
Janie Santoy: guess I need to build my library
Janie Santoy: it is called Keywords in Comp?
Rich Rice: y, actually, I'm wrong.
Rich Rice: I was thinking of another book
Rich Rice: not much on scaffolding in keywords
Rich Rice: although that's a great book
Rich Rice: I've required it for all my classes this semester
Rich Rice:
Rich Rice: there's info on scaffolding in "A Teaching Subject"
Rich Rice: but, I see levels of s in your work
Janie Santoy: I guess I can go do some research on it; look for articles
Rich Rice: large concept; it's widely used
Janie Santoy: I guess want I want to do is see how it is defined especially as related to the field and see what I have been doing and what can be improved
Janie Santoy: especially as it can be modified for online instruction
Rich Rice: nods
Rich Rice: have you read that piece in Kairos on transactional rhetoric?
Janie Santoy: it seems like the technology aspect of UDL is easier to implement
Janie Santoy: time consuming but easier
Rich Rice: nods
Rich Rice:
Janie Santoy: No don't think so
Janie Santoy: will add it to my list...
Rich Rice: yes, I think it will be a good one for your
Rich Rice: you
Janie Santoy: I think it's time I run off to my meeting.
Rich Rice: okay, thanks. Always a pleasure.
Janie Santoy: Can yuo post this so I can have those links
Rich Rice: yep
Janie Santoy: thanks
Janie Santoy: bye

11:36 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

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Janie Santoy is using a different version of AT&T Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Certain features may be unavailable.

Janie Santoy: if you have time....
Rich Rice: sure
Rich Rice: watching
Rich Rice: funny pictures--stressed
Rich Rice: good moving back and forth
Rich Rice: did you make this?
Janie Santoy: student
Rich Rice: ah, impressive
Janie Santoy: she was very proud of it
Janie Santoy: thought I'd share
Rich Rice: for one of your assignments
Janie Santoy: Unit 4
Rich Rice: so, this is interesting to me...
Rich Rice: how is this a form of writing?
Rich Rice: the pictures are like sentences...
Rich Rice: she's tying them together
Rich Rice: nice smilies
Rich Rice: so, made with iMOvie
Rich Rice: certain ken burns effect
Rich Rice: might be nice to have her now write about the decisions she made in it
Janie Santoy: she did a good job of reworking her ideas from her essay to communicate the same argumentin a different form
Janie Santoy: yes, that is the next part of the assignment
Rich Rice: so what do you think?
Rich Rice: of course, took some work for you...
Rich Rice: did you have to convert it from .mov to .wmv?
Janie Santoy: no she sent me a wmv file
Rich Rice: ah, nice
Rich Rice: let me so you some...
Rich Rice:
Rich Rice: those that are hyperlinked...
Rich Rice: a few good ones... Chris Gage
Rich Rice: Stacey Conley
Rich Rice: Javier Ramirez
Rich Rice: do you think you like this approach?
Rich Rice: having them create these multimediad writings?
Janie Santoy: yes I like it
Janie Santoy: but there are some problems
Rich Rice: ndos
Rich Rice: technology curve?
Rich Rice: access?
Janie Santoy: yes
Janie Santoy: yes
Janie Santoy: but also
Rich Rice: file transfer?
Rich Rice: knowledge transfer?
Janie Santoy: I think some students have a different feel for "aesthetics"; for how something looks
Janie Santoy: so even though the info is good; it is still "dry"
Janie Santoy: so how do I teach that?
Janie Santoy: difficult I think for comp I class
Rich Rice: ah
Rich Rice: well, I don't have the answer there. I think part of it is right now we're not really teaching design....
Rich Rice: but in a way we are because design is audience and we're teaching audience
Rich Rice: maybe models, but models are dangerous
Rich Rice: restricts venturing...
Rich Rice: perhaps deconstructing students' own stuff in class (which is what we're doing in the grad seminar)
Rich Rice: then have them do another one
Rich Rice: but that's time consuming
Rich Rice: difficult
Janie Santoy: I am having them do peer reviews and some are commenting on the design, color choices, font, placement, etc.
Janie Santoy: but some are just "hands down" better than others
Rich Rice: have you had a chance to read that article on assessing video that I co-wrote?
Rich Rice: be mindful of e-Schmoozery.
Rich Rice:
Rich Rice: what defines "better"?
Janie Santoy: but difficult to quantify
Rich Rice: right
Janie Santoy: exactly
Rich Rice: yeah, this is new territory for us
Rich Rice: new genre
Rich Rice: we can learn from mass comm here
Janie Santoy: but one good thing...
Janie Santoy: it gets them excited about boring stuff like purpose, audience, etc.
Rich Rice: they're having fun
Rich Rice: intrinsically motivated
Rich Rice: yes
Rich Rice: and the technology is getting easier
Rich Rice: voice-over powerpoint lets you do a lot of this
Rich Rice: thanks for sharing, Janie. Let me know if you'd like to write up an article with me on this. I think this is new territory.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

10/25/06 chat

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Janie Santoy is using a different version of AT&T Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Certain features may be unavailable.

Janie Santoy: Hi, how are you?
Rich Rice: good
Janie Santoy: so what are we discussing today?
Janie Santoy: I'm running a little slow this morning
Rich Rice: well, I don't see anything in your blog to focus on that we haven't already; have I showed you MyCompLab yet?
Janie Santoy: no not yet
Rich Rice: came across MCL 2.0... some good information there; videos, quizzes, etc. that might give you ideas
Rich Rice: just sent you an email on it
Janie Santoy: the blog...have to get back to that
Rich Rice: are you doing an end-of-class survey?
Janie Santoy: I did for the ITV courses
Rich Rice: any results back yet?
Janie Santoy: students like the Comp I site
Janie Santoy: have problems with the reliability of Vista
Rich Rice: ndos
Rich Rice: other folk on campus teaching iTV?
Janie Santoy: most negative comments had to do with WebCt problems
Janie Santoy: yes
Rich Rice: ah
Janie Santoy: Arts App.
Janie Santoy: Govt
Janie Santoy: Econ
Rich Rice: could rally your wagons around negative feedback to present to IT
Janie Santoy: yes, I'm thinking about
Janie Santoy: running a survey with all of us involved in the pilot of Vista
Janie Santoy: seems like most students are experiencing the same problems
Rich Rice: yeah; that's the crux--if the system isn't 100% will always have negative perceptions
Rich Rice: the equivalent is the building burning down
Rich Rice: can't access
Janie Santoy: yes but the problem is
Janie Santoy: that many of the problems have to do with computer settings especially Java
Janie Santoy: so if the student doesn't know how to fix at home
Janie Santoy: there is little we, teachers, can do
Rich Rice: yep; except call
Rich Rice: that help any?
Janie Santoy: some teachers have commented that students don't have permission from parents to download or "fix" stuff on computer
Rich Rice: ah; yeah--and some many not have a home computer
Rich Rice: may be accessing from a library
Janie Santoy: so if everything else is working in the computer but Vista it is hard to convince them that the computer is the problem
Rich Rice: need a clear video on changing settings
Rich Rice: or handout
Rich Rice: these programs will always use cookies
Rich Rice: no way around that
Janie Santoy: and Vista is so popup dependent it is a little annoying
Janie Santoy: have to keep changing settings in lab computers
Rich Rice: yeah; from what you've shown me--that's the wrong direction to move in for WebCT
Rich Rice: if you ever have time, look up my favorite program
Rich Rice: FirstClass Collaborative Classroom
Rich Rice: works as a browser and as a client
Rich Rice: with the client there's no need for popups, etc.
Janie Santoy: is that open source
Rich Rice: great tool
Rich Rice: nope
Rich Rice: relatively expensive
Rich Rice: that's the problem there
Rich Rice: if you're using Pearson, the program Exchange is pretty good
Rich Rice: you have more design/webpage building skills than most of your colleagues, I suspect, and could use pretty well anything
Janie Santoy: now that the college has invested so much money on this and we are being told to use it, we do need to figure out something to solve the problems we are having because they only will get bigger as user numbers increase
Rich Rice: ah, yes
Rich Rice: yeah--that's the way it works
Rich Rice: save money in training (both teachers and students), lose ability to have a flexible tool
Rich Rice: if you're interested in seeing MyCompLab, I sent a key code via email to your
Rich Rice: you
Janie Santoy: MyCompLab is tied to a text/publishing company?
Rich Rice: pearson
Rich Rice: free if you're using one of their books
Rich Rice: just a set of online resources
Rich Rice: pretty good content though
Rich Rice: good for ideas
Janie Santoy: yes, I will take a look
Rich Rice: well, I'll let you go. Are you going to write up a paper of your findings for 7000? I can't remember if we kept that in your syllabus.
Janie Santoy: the write up for this project...what do you recommend?
Janie Santoy: yes I think we did
Rich Rice: you keep excellent notes in your blog, which is fine for me; but, if you'd like to write something up that might be useful for your teachers to see there, or IT, or something...
Janie Santoy: I was thinking of taking the UDL principles and discussing how I applied each one
Rich Rice: that's a great idea; I could see that, basically, being a conference paper
Janie Santoy: and also how I applied the web design principles from Baehr's book
Rich Rice: great idea
Rich Rice: Craig might appreciate seeing that
Janie Santoy: but I do want to separate those discussions from Vista
Rich Rice: makes sense
Rich Rice: okay, Janie. Have a good day.
Janie Santoy: great,
Janie Santoy: I will work on that
Janie Santoy: thanks
Janie Santoy: you too
Rich Rice: thanks
Rich Rice: waves

10:30 AM  
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11:19 PM  
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1:34 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

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Janie Santoy is using a different version of AT&T Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Certain features may be unavailable.

Janie Santoy: Good Morning
Rich Rice: hiya
Janie Santoy: how are you?
Rich Rice: good; grading away. And you?
Janie Santoy: almost done with write-up
Rich Rice: great!
Rich Rice: looking forward to reading it
Janie Santoy:
Janie Santoy: I just need to work on sources/bibliography pages
Janie Santoy: I hope you wait until the end of next week for those
Rich Rice: I like the term, embracing--always have, since Peter Elbow.
Rich Rice: okay, sure
Janie Santoy: some sections are still pretty rough
Rich Rice: tell me when you're ready for me to review things
Janie Santoy: but I don't have much more time to dedicate to this right now
Rich Rice: I hope you continue working on UDL, too--some potential articles there
Rich Rice: sure
Janie Santoy: maybe over the holidays I can go back
Rich Rice: k
Rich Rice: up to you
Rich Rice: ah, venn diagrams
Janie Santoy: yes, I'd like to work this up to a presentation somewhere
Janie Santoy: so I would like some feedback on how I can improve it
Rich Rice: sure
Rich Rice: are you ready for me to look at 7000Analysis?
Janie Santoy: yes
Rich Rice: k
Janie Santoy: only documentation pages need to finished; polished up
Janie Santoy: those two are dead links
Rich Rice: It's on my list then. Your's is work I'll save for when I need something fun to assess.
Rich Rice: k
Janie Santoy: as for your comment about continuing to work on UDL
Rich Rice: wow, impressive on comp pedagogy
Janie Santoy: see reflection
Janie Santoy: way at the bottom
Rich Rice: for future study?
Janie Santoy: way way at the bottom
Rich Rice: oh, the thanks. Thanks for the thanks.
Rich Rice: I've really enjoyed working with you, of course.
Janie Santoy: yes, I've learned alot
Janie Santoy: but I feel like I'm just starting
Janie Santoy: but of course the project/class has to end
Janie Santoy: but I'll continue to work on this in other classes somehow
Rich Rice: sure; we all are. Yeah--it's clear this is ongoing work but we can take a picture/snapshot of where you are in your thinking.
Rich Rice: I suspect your teaching and administrating will really benefit from all this.
Rich Rice: as well others there
Janie Santoy: I really enjoyed reading Harris for this
Rich Rice: cool--yeah
Janie Santoy: really helped me understand Comp in the last several decades
Rich Rice: did I show you the bedford history page?
Rich Rice: we may have read that in classical
Janie Santoy: nope
Rich Rice: good summation
Janie Santoy: but i have it somewhere
Rich Rice:
Rich Rice: useful
Janie Santoy: what I liked about Harris was how he situated the discussion of the terms
Rich Rice: nods
Janie Santoy: in his own teaching
Janie Santoy: that helped me identify
Janie Santoy: see where I agree and where I don't
Rich Rice: makes sense
Janie Santoy: i liked that he was very critical of the "big" names
Janie Santoy: brings them down to earth somehow
Rich Rice: true, good point
Janie Santoy: for someone like me who is just starting in the field
Janie Santoy: and the criticism went hand in hand with what we are doing with Rickly which was good for me
Janie Santoy: I look forward to getting some feedback
Janie Santoy: have to run off to lunch
Janie Santoy: Have a nice day...
Rich Rice: okay--notes soon
Rich Rice: nice to hear about the synergy with Rickly

11:58 AM  
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